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Student Award Application 2025


Most Blessed Sacrament Parish
429 Upham Street
Melrose, MA  02176

Dear Student:

The Student Award Committee of the Most Blessed Sacrament Parish Women’s Guild is happy to provide you with the following application.  These awards are all provided by or through the Women’s Guild. All applicants must complete SECTIONS ONE and TWO.  All applicants entering or in Catholic high school must also complete SECTION THREE, and all applicants entering or in college must also complete SECTION FOUR.

A confidential file is prepared for each applicant removing any names and assigning  an ID number to maintain the anonymity of the applicant.  These files are turned over to the Screening Committee for their use.  The Screening Committee, in making its final judgment is sensitive to the particular issues expressed in each application.  It is, therefore, important to complete all pages of the application that apply to you.  All applicants must be registered, active members of Most Blessed Sacrament Parish in Wakefield.  They must attend Sunday Mass on a regular basis.  In general, they should be involved in the life and activities of the parish.  Scholarships will be awarded only for high school students and undergraduate college students.



Most Blessed Sacrament Guild

Student Award Committee
429 Upham Street
Melrose, MA  02176


Most Blessed Sacrament Women’s Guild Student Award Application 



Personal Information ~ Students (not parents) must complete this application in its entirety to be eligible for award consideration. Applicant and his/her parent(s) must be active members of Most Blessed Sacrament Parish


Applicant’s Name (First, Middle, Last) _____________________________________

Home Address _______________________________________________________

Phone Number _______________________________________________________

Date of Birth _________________________________________________________

Email address: _______________________________________________________

Parent’s/Guardian’s Name _____________________________________________

Signature of Applicant _________________________________________________

Signature of Parent/Guardian ___________________________________________

Date Application completed ____________________________________________

Family Information

Parent’s current marital status ______________

Mother’s (or Guardian’s) occupation _____________________

Father’s (or Guardian’s occupation _______________________

Number of brothers & sisters and their ages (no names) ________________________

Is anyone attending Catholic high school? ______  If yes what school? __________


Did you receive a student award from Most Blessed Sacrament Women’s
Guild last year? _______________

If yes, what was the amount of the award? ____________________



This section must be completed by ALL students applying for an award.  Continue each answer on an attached second page if needed.


Write a paragraph describing your goals for the future







List your involvement in the parish community describing the activity and year(s) involved:

(Examples:  regular attendance at Sunday Mass and/or Religious Education; parish community service hours in activities such as:  participating as an altar server, in the church choir, lecturing, Eucharistic Ministry and any other church activities and projects.





Please add any other information you would like to share with the Student Award





This section is to be completed by students entering or attending a Catholic High School

Name of Catholic High School __________________________________________

Grade entering __________________________

Estimated tuition ________________________

List school and community organization and activities in which you are/were

Involved ___________________________________________________________





This section is to be completed by students entering college for the first time

High school attended __________________________________________________

List school and community organizations and activities in which you are/were



What college do you plan to attend ? _____________________________________

What is your tuition contribution? _______________________________________

If undecided, to what colleges have you applied for admission?

             School Name ____________________________   Major _________________

             What is your anticipated tuition contribution? ______________________________

School Name ____________________________   Major ______________________

What is your anticipated tuition contribution? ______________________________

School Name ____________________________   Major ______________________

What is your anticipated tuition contribution? ______________________________

(please use separate paper for additional schools)

This section is to be completed by students already enrolled in & attending college


College attending _________________________  Major _____________________

What is your anticipated tuition contribution? _____________________________

Student year in September (circle one)  2  3  4  5

If you are currently enrolled in college, how do you practice your faith?