1. The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on almost any day, that is mutually convenient for the family and the priest/Deacon by appointment..
2. Please pick up a Baptismal Form at the Rectory (or go to the "forms" link here on the website to print one out along with a census form if you're not registered(, and return it to the Rectory
3. If you do not live within the parish boundaries, please provide a "Letter of Permission" from the Pastor of the Parish where you reside.
4. Godparents must be chosen based on their ability and willingness to assume and fulfill the duties attached to their role. They must bear witness to the Roman Catholic Faith by the manner in which they live and insure the Catholic upbringing of the child in case of parental inability. By Church Law, Godparents must be Catholics in good standing, be at least sixteen years old and have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation. ONE Godparent may be a non-Catholic Christian if necessary, but there must be ONE CATHOLIC GODPARENT. Non-baptized persons may not officially act as Sponsor or Witness to a Baptism in the Catholic Church.
In the case of the NON-CATHOLIC "Sponsor", he or she is listed in the Baptismal Register as a "Christian Witness" or an "honorary godparent", not as a "GODPARENT", and he or she does not incur the obligations attached to the duties of a Godparent. A non-baptized person may not act, either as a Godparent or as a Christian Witness at a Baptism in the Roman Catholic Church.
5. BOTH Parents of the child as well as the Godparents are required to participate at the Baptism with the Mother holding the child. Baptism in the Roman Catholic Church removes original sin and bestows sanctifying grace. Thus gives the person baptized a share in the very life of Christ through the Presence of the Holy Spirit, and makes him/her a member of the Church. Relatives and Friends are encouraged to be present to welcome the newly Baptized.
6. A donation is customary for use of the Church.