Get Acquainted
The Catholic Church openly welcomes all to come visit. The word Catholic comes from the Greek word for 'universal'. We welcome our brothers and sisters from other faiths as well as those without any particular religious association to come visit a Catholic Mass. We only ask that those who are non-Catholic do not participate in the Eucharist, otherwise known as Holy Communion. Perhaps you have been invited to a Catholic friend's wedding, baptism, or confirmation ceremony. Our doors are always open. We hope you will find your visit to be spiritually fulfilling, and it will leave you with a desire to come back and visit again.
Get Reacquainted
Has it been a few months, or even years since you have been to Mass? Maybe you grew up Catholic, but other priorities and commitments have detracted from your attending Mass each week. For others the recent scandals that have plagued the Catholic Church have left you feeling betrayed. Cardinal Sean O'Malley's statement on this can be seen here. From the earliest days, the Catholic Church has been run by priests, bishops and popes who were all imperfect. Yet regardless of our own imperfections, Jesus promised that the Church would always be there for humanity for the rest of eternity, and he promised that following the Church's teachings would lead to eternal happiness in Heaven.
Get Inspired
To some, the Church may seem a set of rules telling us what to do and what not to do: 'Thou Shalt Not ...', 'Holy Day of Obligation', 'No meat on Fridays', etc. But if you think of these as the directions on life's journey so we can reach our destination, and it all makes sense. Take a leap of faith and make a sacrifice, not because it is a requirement, but out of a passion to submit to the will of God. You will be surprised at how good you start to feel about yourself and how your faith in God strengthens as you submit to His will. Take the challenge today. Set aside ten minutes of quiet time to pray to God to deepen your faith, and repeat that every day. Attend Mass, receive the sacraments, and follow Church teachings. Do it out of love for God. You'll find the path to eternal happiness after you die is also the path for a more rewarding, spiritually fulfilling life here on earth.
Get Closer to God
There are seven Sacraments that allow us the opportunity to get closer to God than any other time by bringing us the saving power of Jesus through the Holy Spirit. Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist initiate us fully into the Catholic Church; Reconciliation and Annointing of the Sick heal our spirit; and Holy Orders and Matrimony bring us the grace that consecrates us for a particular mission in the Church. We have the opportunity to receive the Eucharist every time we attend Mass. Take full advantage of that opportunity.
Get Enriched
The more you know about the Catholic Church, its history, teachings, and culture, the more you will want to keep learning. We risk not passing so much of our rich cultural heritage on to our children and grandchildren, from the Novena, to getting our ashes on Ash Wednesday, to the Advent Wreath and Stations of the Cross. It is sad when our children don't know the difference between Palm Sunday and Pentecost Sunday. Our parents and grandparents lived simple lives, but yet they were centered around the Church. We need to step up to the challenge of keeping the Church as a central part of our lives, and passing on our heritage and traditions on to them.
Get Involved
Most Blessed Sacrament Parish offers a wide variety of ways to get involved, to meet new people who share our values, to help the parish run more efficiently, and to experience the fulfillment of giving back. Check the weekly bulletin for current activities. We share a wide variety of social events that allow us to get to know one another, from coffee and donuts after the 9:00 Mass on Sundays, to pool parties, bake sales, and even Foxwood trips. Our parish relies on the volunteers who help make it run smoothly, from CCD teachers, to altar servers, ushers, eucharistic ministers, and more. Find out more here.
Get Salvation
Every one of us has sinned against God. But through the power of His infinite love, our sins can be forgiven and we can live with Him in eternal happiness. God sent His Son, Jesus to live in the human condition. From His birth in stable because nobody cared, to his death, nailed to a cross because of jealousy, we see our own imperfections in how we treated God when He came in the form of a man. If we feel shame and sorrow, and resolve to see each other in the image and likeness of God, then we are well on our way to being saved.
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